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Meat of domestic sheep

Lamb, hogget, and mutton, generically sheep meat,[i] are the meat of domestic sheep, Ovis aries. A sheep in its commencement yr is a lamb and its meat is too lamb. The meat from sheep in their second year is hogget. Older sheep meat is mutton. More often than not, "hogget" and "sheep meat" are non used past consumers outside Norway, New Zealand, South Africa and Australia. Hogget is condign increasingly commonly eaten in England, particularly in the North (Lancashire and Yorkshire) often in association with rare breed and organic farming.

In South Asian and Caribbean cuisine, "mutton" oftentimes means goat meat.[2] [iii] [4] [5] [6] At various times and places, "mutton" or "caprine animal mutton" has occasionally been used to mean goat meat.[2]

Lamb is the most expensive of the three types and in recent decades sheep meat is increasingly just retailed every bit "lamb", sometimes stretching the accustomed distinctions given above. The stronger-tasting mutton is now difficult to find in many areas, despite the efforts of the Mutton Renaissance Campaign in the Britain. In Australia, the term prime number lamb is ofttimes used to refer to lambs raised for meat.[7] Other languages, for example French, Spanish, Italian and Arabic, make similar or even more detailed distinctions among sheep meats by historic period and sometimes by sex and diet—for example, lechazo in Spanish refers to meat from milk-fed (unweaned) lambs.

Classifications and nomenclature [edit]

Lamb chops from a Greek restaurant

The definitions for lamb, hogget and mutton vary considerably betwixt countries. Younger lambs are smaller and more than tender. Mutton is meat from a sheep over two years old, and has less tender flesh. In full general, the darker the colour, the older the fauna.

Democracy countries [edit]

  • Lamb — a young sheep under 12 months of historic period which does non accept whatever permanent incisor teeth in wearable. (From July ane, 2019, the Australian definition is "an ovine animate being that: (a) is nether 12 months of historic period; or (b) does not take any permanent incisor teeth in vesture."[eight] The New Zealand definition also allows "0 incisors in clothing".)
  • Hogget — A term for a sheep of either sex activity having no more than two permanent incisors in wear,[9] or its meat. Still common in farming usage, it is now rare as a domestic or retail term for the meat. Much of the "lamb" sold in the UK is "hogget" to a farmer in Australia or New Zealand.
  • Mutton — the meat of a female person (ewe) or castrated male person (wether) sheep having more two permanent incisors in wear.

United states of america [edit]

In the early 1900s, mutton was widely consumed in the United States, merely mutton consumption has declined since Globe War 2.[ten] Equally of 2010[update], most sheep meat in the U.s.a. comes from animals in between 12 and xiv months old,[11] and is chosen "lamb"; the term "hogget" is not used.[12] Federal statutes and regulations dealing with nutrient labeling in the United States allow all sheep products to be marketed as "lamb."[13] USDA grades for lamb are only partly a function of the animal'south age. Animals up to 20 months old may meet the quality of the "USDA prime number" grade depending on other factors, while "USDA pick" lamb can be of any historic period.[14] "Bound lamb" is divers by the USDA as having been slaughtered between March and October.[xv]

Indian subcontinent [edit]

The term "mutton" is applied to goat meat in virtually of these countries, and the caprine animal population has been rising. For example, mutton-curry is always made from goat meat. It is estimated that over one-3rd of the caprine animal population is slaughtered every year and sold as mutton. The husbanded sheep population in India and the Indian subcontinent has been in decline for over 40 years and has survived at marginal levels in mountainous regions, based on wild-sheep breeds, and mainly for wool production.[ citation needed ]

Other definitions [edit]

  • Milk-fed lamb — meat from an unweaned lamb, typically iv–6 weeks old and weighing v.5–8 kg; this is almost unavailable in countries such every bit the United states and the United kingdom. The flavour and texture of milk-fed lamb when grilled (such equally the tiny lamb chops known every bit chuletillas in Spain) or roasted (lechazo asado or cordero lechal asado) is by and large thought to be effectively than that of older lamb, and fetches higher prices.[16] The areas in northern Spain where this tin be found include Asturias, Cantabria, Castile and León, and La Rioja. Milk-fed lambs are peculiarly prized for Easter in Greece, when they are roasted on a spit.
  • Young lamb — a milk-fed lamb between six and eight weeks sometime
  • Spring lamb — a milk-fed lamb, usually three to five months old, born in late wintertime or early jump and sold usually before ane July (in the northern hemisphere).
  • Sucker lambs — a term used in Australia[17] — includes young milk-fed lambs, also as slightly older lambs up to virtually 7 months of age which are also still dependent on their mothers for milk. Carcases from these lambs ordinarily weigh between xiv and thirty kg. Older weaned lambs which take non yet matured to become mutton are known as old-flavor lambs.
  • Yearling lamb — a young sheep between 12 and 24 months old, then another term for a hogget.
  • Saltbush mutton – a term used in Commonwealth of australia for the meat of mature Merinos which accept been allowed to graze on atriplex plants
  • Salt marsh lamb (also known equally 'saltmarsh lamb' or by its French name, agneau de pré-salé) is the meat of sheep which graze on salt marsh in coastal estuaries that are done past the tides and support a range of salt-tolerant grasses and herbs, such as samphire, sparta grass, sorrel and bounding main lavender. Depending on where the salt marsh is located, the nature of the plants may be subtly different. Salt marsh lamb has long been appreciated in France and is growing in popularity in the Britain. Places where salt marsh lamb are reared in the UK include Harlech and the Gower Peninsula in Wales, the Somerset Levels, Morecambe Bay and the Solway Firth.[18]
  • Saltgrass lamb – a blazon of lamb exclusive to Flinders Island (Tasmania). The pastures on the island have a relatively high common salt content, leading to a flavour and texture similar to saltmarsh lamb.[19]

Butchery and cookery [edit]

The meat of a lamb is taken from the animal between one month and 1 year old, with a carcass weight of betwixt 5.5 and 30 kg (12 and 66 lb). This meat mostly is more tender than that from older sheep and appears more often on tables in some Western countries. Hogget and mutton take a stronger flavour than lamb because they contain a college concentration of species-characteristic fat acids and are preferred by some.[20] Mutton and hogget also tend to be tougher than lamb (considering of connective tissue maturation) and are therefore better suited to casserole-manner cooking, as in Lancashire hotpot, for instance.

Lamb is often sorted into three kinds of meat: forequarter, loin, and hindquarter. The forequarter includes the cervix, shoulder, front legs, and the ribs up to the shoulder blade. The hindquarter includes the rear legs and hip. The loin includes the ribs betwixt the two.

Lamb chops are cutting from the rib, loin, and shoulder areas. The rib chops include a rib os; the loin chops include but a chine os. Shoulder chops are usually considered inferior to loin chops; both kinds of chops are commonly grilled. Breast of lamb (baby chops) can exist cooked in an oven.

Leg of lamb is a whole leg; saddle of lamb is the two loins with the hip. Leg and saddle are usually roasted, though the leg is sometimes boiled.

Forequarter meat of sheep, as of other mammals, includes more connective tissue than some other cuts, and, if not from a young lamb, is best cooked slowly using either a moist method, such as braising or stewing, or by slow roasting or American barbecuing. It is, in some countries, sold already chopped or diced.

Lamb shank definitions vary, just generally include:

  • a cut from the arm of shoulder, containing leg os and part of round shoulder bone, and covered by a sparse layer of fatty and fell (a thin, paper-similar roofing).
  • a cut from the upper office of the leg.

Mutton barbeque is a tradition in Western Kentucky. The area was strong in the wool trade, which gave them plenty of older sheep that needed to be put to use.[21]

Thin strips of fatty mutton can be cut into a substitute for bacon chosen macon.

Lamb natural language is pop in Middle Eastern cuisine both as a cold cut and in preparations similar stews.[22]

Cuts [edit]

UK, Canada, and other Democracy countries [edit]

Approximate zones of the usual United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland cuts of lamb:[23]

  • Scrag terminate (of neck)
  • Middle cervix
  • All-time End (of neck)
  • Loin
  • Chump (and doormat chops)
  • Leg (gigot in Scotland)
  • Shank
  • Shoulder
  • Breast

United states of america and Ireland [edit]

  • Square cut shoulder – shoulder roast, shoulder chops and arm chops
  • Rack – rib chops and riblets, rib roast
  • Loin – loin chops or roast
  • Leg – sirloin chops, leg roast (leg of lamb)
  • Neck
  • Chest
  • Shanks (fore or hind)
  • Flank

New Zealand [edit]

[24] [25]

  • Forequarter
    • Cervix – neck chops
    • Shoulder – shoulder chops, shoulder roast (usually boned and rolled)
    • Rib-eye
    • Breast
    • Shank
  • Loin
    • Rib-loin – racks, frenched cutlets, spare ribs
    • Mid-loin – striploin (backstrap), loin chops
    • Tenderloin
    • Flap
  • Full leg – leg roast (may exist boned and rolled), leg chops. A short-cut leg is a full leg without the chump; a carvery leg is a brusque-cutting leg without the thick flank
    • Chump (rump) – chump chops, rump steak
    • Thick flank (knuckle) – schnitzel
    • Topside & silverside – steaks
    • Shank

Production and consumption figures [edit]

Sheep meat consumption [edit]

According to the OECD-FAO Agricultural Outlook for 2016, the peak consumers of sheep meat in 2015 were as follows:[26] Eu countries are not individually surveyed in this list. Among Eu nations, Greece is the per capita leader in consumption at 12.3 kg,[27] while the Great britain's annual per capita lamb consumption is kg.[28] Exterior of the OECD, the largest per capita consumer overall is Mongolia, with 45.1 kg.[28]

  1. Serbia – 10.v kilograms (23 lb) per capita
  2. Kazakhstan – kilograms (18 lb)
  3. Australia – 7.4 kilograms (sixteen lb)
  4. Algeria – kilograms (16 lb)
  5. Uruguay – kilograms (thirteen lb)
  6. Saudi Arabia – 5.5 kilograms (12 lb)
  7. New Zealand – four.4 kilograms (9.7 lb)
  8. Turkey – 4.i kilograms (9.0 lb)
  9. Iran – iii.ii kilograms (7.i lb)
  10. S Africa – three.1 kilograms (half-dozen.viii lb)

Sheep meat production [edit]

The table below gives a sample of producing nations, just many other significant producers in the 50–120 KT range are non given.

Sheep meat product (kt)
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
World eight,415 8,354 8,229 8,348 8,470
Algeria 179 197 205 253 261
Australia 660 635 556 513 556
Brazil 79 80 82 84 85
China 1,978 ii,044 2,070 2,050 2,080
France 130 126 119 115 114
Frg 38 38 38 39 36
Greece 91 90 90 90 90
Bharat 275 286 289 293 296
Indonesia 113 128 113 113 113
Iran 170 114 90 104 126
Kazakhstan 110 116 123 128 128
New Zealand 598 478 471 465 448
Nigeria 145 149 171 172 174
Russia 156 164 167 171 173
Turkey 278 262 240 253 272
Turkmenistan 124 128 130 130 133
United Kingdom 326 307 277 289 275
U.s. 81 80 76 69 72

Source: Helgi Library,[29] Globe Bank, FAOSTAT

Dishes [edit]

Meat from sheep features prominently in the cuisines of several Mediterranean cultures including Hellenic republic, Turkey, North Africa, Hashemite kingdom of jordan, and the Middle East, as well every bit in the cuisines of Pakistan and Afghanistan. In Greece for example, it is an integral component of many meals and of religious feasts such as Easter (meet avgolemono, magiritsa). Information technology is besides very popular in the Basque civilisation, both in the Basque country of Europe and in the shepherding areas of the Western United States. In the Usa, the Navajo accept incorporated mutton and lamb into their traditional cuisine since the introduction of sheep by Spanish explorers and settlers in the 17th century, replacing wild turkey and venison and creating a pastoral culture. In Northern Europe, mutton and lamb feature in many traditional dishes, including those of Republic of iceland, Norway and of the United Kingdom, particularly in the western and northern uplands, Scotland and Wales. Mutton used to be an important part of Hungarian cuisine due to potent pastoral traditions merely began to be increasingly looked down on with the spread of urbanisation.[ commendation needed ]

Mutton is too popular in Australia. Lamb and mutton are very pop in Central Asia and in sure parts of China, where other red meats may be eschewed for religious or economic reasons. Barbecued mutton is also a specialty in some areas of the United States (chiefly Owensboro, Kentucky) and Canada. However, meat from sheep is more often than not consumed far less in the US than in many European, Primal American and Asian cuisines; for instance, average per-capita consumption of lamb in the United States is only 400 grams (xiv oz) per year.[28]

In Australia, the leg of lamb roast is considered to be the national dish.[thirty] Commonly served on a Dominicus or any other special occasion, it tin be done in a kettle BBQ or a conventional oven. Typical preparation involves roofing the leg of lamb with butter, pushing rosemary sprigs into incisions cut in the leg, and sprinkling rosemary leaves on top. The lamb is then roasted for two hours at 180 °C (350 °F) and typically served with carrots and potato (also roasted), dark-green vegetables and gravy.

In Indonesia, lamb is popularly served as lamb satay[31] and lamb curry.[32] Both dishes are cooked with various spices from the islands, and served with either rice or lontong. A version of lamb and bamboo shoot curry is the specialty of Minang cuisine, although similar dish could likewise be found in Thai cuisine.

In United mexican states, lamb is the meat of choice for the popular barbacoa dish, in which the lamb is roasted or steamed wrapped in maguey leaves undercover.[ citation needed ]

In Medieval Bharat, the armies, unable to cook elaborate meals, would fix a i-pot dish where they cooked rice with mutton. This dish led to the famous Biryani.

In Nippon, although lamb is not traditionally consumed in most of the state, on the Northern island of Hokkaido and N-eastern Tohoku regions, a hot pot dish chosen Jingisukan (i.east. "Genghis Khan") is popular. In that dish, thin-sliced lamb is cooked over a convex skillet aslope various vegetables and mushrooms in front of the diners, and then dipped in soy-sauce based dipping sauces and eaten. Information technology was so named because lamb is popular in Mongolia (run across "Sheep meat consumption" above).

Organ meats / Offal [edit]

Lamb's liver, known as lamb's fry in New Zealand and Commonwealth of australia,[33] is eaten in many countries. It is the most common class of offal eaten in the Great britain, traditionally used in the family favourite (and pub grub staple) of liver with onions and/or bacon and mashed potatoes. It is a major ingredient, forth with the lungs and eye (the pluck), in the traditional Scottish dish of haggis.

Lamb testicles or lamb chips are a delicacy in many parts of the world.

Lamb kidneys are found in many cuisines across Europe and the Eye East, ofttimes separate into 2 halves and grilled (on kebabs in the Center Due east), or sautéed in a sauce. They are generally the most highly regarded of all kidneys.

Lamb sweetbreads are a delicacy in many cuisines.[34]

Environmental touch on [edit]

The corporeality of agricultural country needed globally would be reduced by almost half if no beef or mutton were eaten.

Mean land use of different foods[35]
Food Types State Employ (m2year per 100g protein)
Lamb and Mutton











Farmed Fish








Production of lamb emits more greenhouse gas per gram of protein than other mutual foods, except for beefiness.[36]

See likewise [edit]

  • Lechazo de Castilla y León – milk-fed lamb meat from Espana
  • List of lamb dishes
  • Mutton curry
  • Mutton flaps
  • Goat meat
  • Sheep'due south trotters
  • Smalahove – a Western Norwegian dish of sheep head

Bibliography [edit]

  • Thousand.F. Warner, "Boning Lamb Cuts", Leaflet 74, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agency of Animate being Industry, June 1931. total text
  • Bob Kennard, "Much ado well-nigh mutton". Ludlow: Merlin Unwin, 2014 [37]

Notes [edit]

  1. ^ Oxford English Dictionary 3rd edition, August 2010; online version November 2010
  2. ^ a b Oxford English Dictionary, 3rd edition, June 2003, [ s.five., definition 1b
  3. ^ "Whose goat is it anyway?". Hindustan Times. xi February 2012. Retrieved 15 May 2015.
  4. ^ Charmaine O'Brien, The Penguin Food Guide to India, section "The Eatables", under "Mutton", ISBN 9780143414568
  5. ^ Madhur Jaffrey, An Invitation to Indian Cooking, ISBN 0375712119, p. 49
  6. ^ Janet Groene, Gordon Groene, U.S. Caribbean Guide, 1998, ISBN 1883323878 p. 81
  7. ^ Australian Prime Lamb Industry, 2000 Archived thirteen Apr 2011 at the Wayback Machine
  8. ^ "Commonwealth of australia'due south New Definition of Lamb – What Yous Need to Know" (4 July 2019). Retrieved 28 September 2019.
  9. ^ Delbridge, Arthur, "The Macquarie Dictionary", second ed., Macquarie Library, North Ryde, 1991
  10. ^ Fogarty, Lisa (26 November 2019). "After WW2 mutton fell out of favor in the U.S." NPR . Retrieved 17 March 2020.
  11. ^ "Lamb Sector at a Glance". Us Section of Agronomics . Retrieved 17 March 2020.
  12. ^ Merriam-Webster Dictionary, s.five. hogget: "chiefly British"
  13. ^ 7 CFR 65.190
  14. ^ "Yearling Lamb" (PDF). United states Department of Agriculture . Retrieved 17 March 2020.
  15. ^ "Lamb from farm to table". The states Department of Agronomics . Retrieved 17 March 2020.
  16. ^ "Speleogroup – sg2012".
  17. ^ "Australian Sheep CRC".
  18. ^ Keating, Sheila."Food Detective: Salt Marsh Lamb." The Times Online, 28 June 2008.
  19. ^ Bastick, C. H. and Walker, G. G, Extent and impacts of Dryland Salinity in Tasmania. "[1]" Section of Primary Industries, Water and Environs, August 2000.
  20. ^ Fearnley-Whittingstall, Hugh. "What Is Mutton – Understanding the History Archived 23 July 2017 at the Wayback Machine." Mutton Renaissance.
  21. ^ "Owensboro Kentucky Mutton Barbecue".
  22. ^ "Lebanese Recipes, Lamb Tongue Salad, oregano, pepper, salt ginger".
  23. ^ Montagné, Prosper (2001). Larousse Gastronomique. Third Edition. Éditions Larousse: France. ISBN 0-600-60235-iv
  24. ^ "Beefiness + Lamb New Zealand Reference Guide" (PDF) . Retrieved 10 June 2021. {{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  25. ^ Nicol, Alistair; Saunders, Caroline (24 November 2008). "Lamb cuts". . Retrieved 10 June 2021. {{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  26. ^ Meat consumption, OECD Data. Retrieved 25 October 2016.
  27. ^ "2018 Ruddy Meat Market Snapshot" (PDF). Meat and Livestock Australia . Retrieved 17 December 2018.
  28. ^ a b c "Is the Great britain unusually fond of lamb and potatoes?". BBC News. ii September 2014.
  29. ^ "HelgiLibrary - Sheep Meat Production".
  30. ^ "Roast lamb rules as Australia's national dish". ii February 2010.
  31. ^ Owen, Sri (1999). Indonesian Regional Food and Cookery By Sri Owen. ISBN9780711212732 . Retrieved 7 July 2010.
  32. ^ Susilowati Primo (21 March 2013). "Lamb curry (gulai kambing)". Food.
  33. ^ Delbridge, Arthur, The Macquarie Dictionary, 2nd ed., Macquarie Library, Northward Ryde, 1991
  34. ^
    • Sweetbread recipes BBC food
    • "Sweetbreads", British Food: A History
  35. ^ Nemecek, T.; Poore, J. (1 June 2018). "Reducing food'southward environmental impacts through producers and consumers". Science. 360 (6392): 987–992. Bibcode:2018Sci...360..987P. doi:10.1126/science.aaq0216. ISSN 0036-8075. PMID 29853680.
  36. ^ "Interactive: What is the climate touch on of eating meat and dairy?". url . Retrieved 5 June 2021. {{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  37. ^ "Much Ado Nearly Mutton".

External links [edit]

  • Sheep Meat Production


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